MBA Salary Statistics for Australia

The average salary of an MBA graduate in Australia is high: upwards of $135,000 AUD. But, to be honest, stats around MBA salaries are unreliable as a guide to degree value. The main reason is that MBA students are a diverse bunch, each one at a different stage of his or her career.

MBA Salary Stats

Salary stats for Australia’s top ranking MBA universities show that MBA graduates can do very well. Average salaries are in the range $138,000 – $147,000.

Australia’s top 3 ranking graduate business schools

Rank Business school Graduate salary Salary boost Years already worked
34 Melbourne Business School $ 142,748 73.5% 6
41 Macquarie Business School $ 146,142 51.4% 10
47 University of Queensland Business School $ 138,441 14.5% 12

Source: The Economist, Full-Time MBA Rankings (World) 2021

The measured salary boost (% increase in salary from the pre-study level) varies wildly, from 14.5% at the University of Queensland (UQ) to 73.5% at the Melbourne Business School (MBS). There are good reasons for these differences.

UQ has an expensive MBA. Many of the student are older and likely to be employer sponsored. Consequently, while the students may get great benefits from the degree, they may often return to their existing job after finishing.

MBS has a younger profile. Students start on relatively low salaries. While they experience a strong rise, much of the increase would have happened without postgraduate study.

Salary Calculator

Good MBA provides a salary calculator for estimating the potential benefit of an MBA degree. The calculator allows you to choose a salary boost amount as part of a scenario analysis.

How much your salary might rise depends on circumstances. With an MBA, you can expect an improvement in job performance and your ability to compete for promotions. If there are good opportunities open in your industry and location, your salary boost prospects are high.

Tuition fees are also a factor. To save on tuition costs, a couple of options are to study online and/or study in a country with lower tuition fees than your home country.

Strategy to Maximum the Net Return on an MBA

Strategic thinking in the workplace is one of the things MBA programs endeavour to teach. Strategy is also important in managing your education.

An MBA by itself is not normally a ticket to a high salary. Other things you can do to maximise the payoff from MBA studies are as follows.

1. Gain practical management experience before starting an MBA. This way, you have plenty of real-world experience for contextualising theory.

2. Choose units and projects in high-value areas, such as finance or leadership.

3. Network with fellow students and others involved with the MBA program to generate career opportunities.

4. Develop a good vocabulary around management during your studies. This helps with workplace communication, including in future job interviews.

2 thoughts on “MBA Salary Statistics for Australia

  1. I have no idea what the cost of living is in Australia but these salaries look attractive to me. I’ve often thought of working abroad but I don’t know if my degree would be recognized in Australia. Does anyone have any information on this or where I could look? Thanks!

    1. MBA degrees earned overseas are generally recognised by Australian employers, though it’s up the individual recruiter of course. They may do some research on the institution if curious about the merits of the qualification.

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